

A theme allows you to fully customize the look and feel of a website using Azuriom.

To install a theme, just put it in the resources/themes/ folder at the root of your website.


When Azuriom is installed locally for theme development, it’s highly recommended enabling debug to simplify development. This can be done by simply editing these 2 lines in the .env file:


Creating a theme

To quickly create a theme you can use the following command that will automatically generate the theme directory and the theme.json file:

php artisan theme:create <theme name>
To create themes with a more advanced setup with webpack to compile SASS files and optimize the JavaScript files, you can use this unofficial boilerplate (you also need to install Node.js with NPM)


themes/ <-- Folder containing all installed themes
| example/ <-- ID of your theme
| | theme.json <-- The main file of your theme containing the various information
| |  assets/  <-- The folder containing the assets of your theme (css, js, images, svg, etc)
| | views/ <-- The folder containing the views of your theme.
| | config/
| | | config.blade.php
| | | rules.php
| | config.json

The theme.json file

All themes need to have a theme.json file at their root, that is the only essential element for a theme, and it looks like this:

    "id": "example",
    "name": "Example",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "A great theme.",
    "url": "",
    "authors": [
    "azuriom_api": "1.0.0"

Theme ID

Each theme must have an id, which must be unique and contain only numbers, lowercase letters and dashes. It is recommended to use the name as a basis for creating the id, for example if the name is Hello World, the id could be hello-world. Also, the theme’s directory must have the same name as its id.


The views are the heart of a theme, they are the HTML content files of a theme for the different parts of the website.

Azuriom using Laravel, views can be made using the of template Blade. If you don’t master Blade it is highly recommended reading its documentation, especially since it is quite short.

It is highly recommended NOT to use PHP syntax. when you work with Blade, because Blade does not bring you the traditional no advantages and only disadvantages.

On the CSS side, it is recommended to use the default framework of the cms which is Bootstrap 5, this will make it easier to realize a theme and will be compatible with the new plugins. so you don’t have to make constant updates. But if you prefer you can use another CSS framework.

In Javascript, the only dependency needed is Axios.

If a view is not present in the theme but is in the CMS or in a plugin, it will be automatically used.

Custom code/widget for your theme

In a view you can do any new “compoment”, “widget” or custom change you want. For example, let’s see how to create a “Latest donor widget” (you’ll need the shop plugin) :

Find in your theme, where you want to put the widget. Then paste this code :

    $latestPayment = \Azuriom\Plugin\Shop\Models\Payment::with('user')->latest()->first();

<div class="card">
    <div class="card-header">
        Latest donor
    <div class="card-body">
            <img src="{{$latestPayment->user->getAvatar()}}"> {{$latestPayment->user->name}}
            <p>No donations yet.</p>
You can use any “Model” that is present in the CMS or the plugins. Make sure to not forget the \ before Azuriom For example for the Vote model, it would be \Azuriom\Plugin\Vote\Models\Vote


The layout is the structure of all the pages of a theme. It contains indeed the metas, assets of a theme, header, footer etc…

To display the content of the current page you can use @yield('content'), and to display the title of the current page you can use @yield('title').

You can also integrate different elements with @include('<name of the view>'), for example @include('element.navbar') for include the navbar.

To define the layout of the page, the view must extend the view containing the layout, you can either use the default layout with @extends(''), or create your own layout and extend it.

Plugin views

To change the views of a plugin, simply create a plugins directory in the views folder of the theme and create a folder for each plugin (using the plugin id and not the plugin name), then add the plugin views.

For example, for the vote plugin, this will give views/plugins/vote/index.blade.php.



To have the link to an asset in a theme you can use the function theme_asset:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ theme_asset('css/style.css') }}">

Current user

The current user can be retrieved using the auth()->user() function. For more details on authentication, you can refer to the Laravel documentation.


You can retrieve a certain number of parameters from the website via the functions dedicated:

Function Description
site_name() Retrieves the site name
site_logo() Allows you to have the website logo link
favicon() Allows you to have the favicon link
format_date() Displays a date formatted with the current language. This function takes an instance of Carbon\Carbon as a parameter
money_name() Returns the name of the website’s currency
format_money() Returns an amount formatted with the website currency

Display the players connected to the server

To display the connected players, just check the $server variable is not null, and the server is online, and if it is, use $server->getOnlinePlayers() to retrieve the online players count.

@if($server && $server->isOnline())
    {{ trans_choice('', $server->getOnlinePlayers()) }}
    {{ trans('messages.server.offline') }}


A theme can, if it needs it, load translations.

To do so, just create a messages.php file in the lang/<language> directory (ex: lang/en). of a theme, you can then display a translation via the trans: {{ trans('theme::messages.hello') }} or via the @lang directive: @lang('theme::messages.hello'). You can also use trans_choice for a translation with numbers, and trans_bool to translate a boolean (will return in English Yes). /No.

For more details on translations, you can refer to the Laravel documentation.


You can add a configuration in a theme, to do so you just have to create at the root of a theme:

  • A config/config.blade.php view containing the form for the configuration.
  • A config/rules.php file containing the different validation rules for the configuration of a theme.
  • A config.json file where the theme configuration will be stored, and containing the default values.


<form action="{{ route('admin.themes.update', $theme) }}" method="POST">

    <div class="form-group">
        <label for="discordInput">{{ trans('theme::carbon.config.discord') }}</label>
        <input type="text" class="form-control @error('discord-id') is-invalid @enderror" id="discordInput" name="discord-id" required value="{{ old('discord-id', config('theme.discord-id')) }}">

        <span class="invalid-feedback" role="alert"><strong>{{ $message }}</strong></span>

    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">
        <i class="bi bi-save"></i> {{ trans('') }}


    "discord-id": "625774284823986183."